Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why You’ll Want The Traffic Tips Report By Justin Michie

The Traffic Tips Report is a free report from Justin Michie that can solve all of your web traffic generation problems (It's free for a limited time from here.) It outlines 247 unique ways to generate traffic to your websites and blogs. You may be familiar with some of these methods, but I guarantee there are some methods that you’ve never thought of before.

The report will benefit you no matter how long you have been marketing on the internet. Beginners and old pros alike can find traffic methods in this report that will increase their daily unique visitors.

Many internet marketers use AdSense ads to make money. The traffic generation tips you’ll find in this report can greatly increase your ad clicks. And of course more ad clicks translates into a lot more money.

It’s also much easier to setup JV partner relationships if you have a successful website that receives a high volume of traffic. Most potential JV partners want to see a profitable product or website before they will consider a joint venture with you. So the very first step to securing a JV partner is to get lots of traffic flowing to your site. This free report can show you how to do just that.

Another way to use the methods in the report is to build a list of responsive buyers. A large email list of people who are ready to buy can make you tens of thousand of dollars every month. That’s something that’s worth putting a little extra effort into and this report gives you hundreds of ideas to increase your traffic – which of course leads to more opt-ins to your list.

All of us doing business online are facing huge amounts of competition. The sheer volume of websites on the internet are indication enough. So it’s absolutely critical that you gain as much publicity as you can. The tips in this report will show you how to do that. Some of the methods mentioned can get your website address in front of millions of people. What do you think that will do to the traffic to your site?

The Traffic Tips Report is a goldmine of information. These are methods that anyone can use – many don’t cost a cent and are easy to do immediately. The report is free, so you really have nothing to risk by getting your hands on this awesome resource. You can grab a copy from here - free for a limited time.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10 Money Making Tips - Everything You Needed to Know to Make Money in Todays Market

Here are the money savings tips:

1. Maintain a good credit score! It will save you thousands of dollars in the short and long term when you need to borrow money to buy a car or a home. Creditors will give you an interest rate and the loan amount based on your income and credit score.

2. Large sums of money should NEVER be left in a checking account or even a low-interest bank savings account. Rather, put the money into a high interest savings account (like an ING savings), money market fund, or other forms of short term high interest investments with a fixed return.

3. If you have an employer matching 401K plan, maximize your contributions, so that you double your money!

4. Set aside 10% of your paycheck towards some form of long term savings account, like a money market account, mutual fund, retirement plan, or 401K. As you pay amount increases, your contribution will also increase automatically. 10% will also ensure that you stay ahead of inflation.

5. One of the best investments you can make is to first pay off all your high credit card debts. Credit cards typically carry a high interest rate and by paying off these debts, you get one of the best returns available which also is tax-free.

6. If you are losing sleep over an investment, whether its a stock, mutual fund, or retirement plan, its not worth it! Your lack of sleep is probably a good indication that it may be too risky, too good to be true, or just not the right invesment for you.

7. If an investment is projecting returns that are just too good to be true, they probably are. Unless you are intimately involved in the investment or are an insider, an investment that sounds too good to be true is probably too ambitious, too risky or just a scam.

8. Before you invest in something, always do your own research. Consulting with others and getting a second opinion is good, but you need to investigate for yourself. The internet is typically the best source for lots of information but make sure you read enough or get relevant data.

9. Always negotiate for commissions or fees paid for financial or real estate advice. Don’t be misled by standard commissions and “non-negotiable fees”. It is your money and the experts work for you.

10. Can’t get out of debt? If you are having problems meeting your debt payments each month and feel like you are digging a deeper hole, go talk to your creditors and banks to find a solution to get out of the mess. Beware of debt consolidators as they could charge higher interests in the long term and get you even deeper into debt.

How to Make Money at Home Via the Internet

Everybody wants to make money without putting in much effort. How would you like to make money online from home and you do not have to meet any deadlines? Sounds a bit ridiculous in the beginning, but this is what many people are doing all over the world. I will explain many ways the smart few make money online. DubLi is a unique company to check out if you are going to sell products. This is an outstanding opportunity to become a part of the e-commerce revolution, especially if you have tried other product selling sites and found them unattractive.

First of all you need to be an internet junkie to understand how to make money online. So if you have been dabbling in the web for quite some time, you can get a hang of the online money making process quickly. One way to make money online is through social networking. Some social networking sites actually pay you for creating more impressions of your profile, for referrals and for uploading photos. These sites pay you an amount proportionate to the advertising revenue generated by them. So you earn a sizeable sum of money at the end of the day. This is a good way to make money online from home.

Whether you are an avid blogger or not, you can make money via blogging. One way is to through the ads placed by other advertisers alongside your blog. So this way you can gain some commission off the advertising revenue generated. Another unconvincing technique to make money online is by posting content regarding other companies products on your blog. This is not legal but people are still doing it and getting away with it.

A not so brilliant idea for making money online and work from home is through surveys. You can work the online surveys for companies and submit those to them. The companies will then pay you according to their fixed rates. However, this is a time consuming job and can get monotonous after some time. And also while convincing people to respond to your survey, you will have to give out your personal information. If you are planning to make money by carrying out surveys then you may want to get a new email account, as your existing one may not be enough and become overloaded with unwanted e-mails.

A fun way to make money is via playing games. Some games convert the money won in games to real world money. Thus, you can earn money while entertaining yourself. Also, some games offer real money as a prize for winning difficult levels in their games. Freelancing can be a great option for earning money. You get a chance to exhibit your creativity and earn money. You can freelance online for web designing, writing, translation, etc. Big money can be made via freelancing. However, the companies that offer you work online also take up a substantial amount of your earnings as their share.

One crazy idea to earn money is by making million dollar home pages. Home pages got this tag after an American student decided to raise funds for his college education by selling each pixel of his home page for a dollar. Although this concept seemed absurd in the beginning, this student has earned more than enough money for his college funds, that is, one million dollars. So a little creativity can pay you well. One more slightly crazy idea would be through gambling. People play online poker to earn money and end up either losing a lot of money or making a lot of money. So if you are really, really good at a game then go ahead and gamble, but with caution.

Another way to make money online and work from home is by selling products over the internet. There are loads of online auction sites and e-shopping sites, where you can sell merchandise of all kinds. What you can do is buy good merchandise at cheaper rates and sell them at higher prices online.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Keys To Reduce Refunds and Chargebacks

A chargeback occurs when a customer contacts a credit card-issuing bank to initiate a refund for a purchase they made on their credit card. The reasons why chargebacks arise can vary greatly but generally, they are the result of a customer being dissatisfied with their purchase from sellers. This is one sure-fire way to loosing out big time on your business profitsIf the number is high in any period you could risk loosing your third party merchant account altogether.

The best way to deal with any chargeback is to prevent it happening in the first place. The following suggestions are very generic and can be used by most businesses to decrease their chargeback potentia

1. Clearly State the Billing Name

First and foremost state the name of your third party credit card processor on your sales pages and include them in your terms and follow up email receipts so that customers are fully aware of what company name will appear on their billing statements. This will reduce the number of customers who do not recognize the billing name on their statements from contacting their credit card issuers for a chargeback. This one factor can lead to an unprecedented number of chargebacks claims.

2. Provide Your Customer Support Details

Provide your email address so that customers can contact you regarding any queries about their order. Make sure that you answer them in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary delays. If a customer is not responded to promptly they are very likely to make a refund request.

3. Offer Lifetime Updates

Offering your customers lifetime updates to your product and services to add value and will encourage them to remain customers in the knowledge that they will always receive your most current edition of your goods.

4. Reward Loyal Customers With Exclusive Privileges

Offer your customers a product that can be used freely as long as they are fully paid members, as part of a membership site. Or use a tool which is only available to customers and cannot be accessed after a refund request is made. As long as your offer is valuable to your customers and members you are will substantially reduce the number of refund requests.

5. Provide The Best Guarantee
Your guarantee could become a thorn in your side if you have a very short time span before customers can test out and use your product. But studies show that the longer the guarantee period the less refund requests are made because customers are more comfortable with their rights to cancel if the product or service does not meet their needs.

This is at your discretion as a merchant so testing is important to work out what is best for you. Remember to take into account that some third party processors have a limit on the maximum refund time their merchants can issue to customers.

6. Accurate Product Descriptions

Avoid making bold claims that are "too good to be true" if you cannot deliver the results. You could be setting yourself up for a big fall and your customers will request refunds if your product description does not fulfill their needs. You could also be breaking the law and be liable to charges if a law suit is brought against your company. Make sure your sale letter accurately reflects your goods for sale and highlight the TRUE benefits of owning the goods.

7. Surprise Bonuses

It is a great surprise when you buy something and receive additional unadvertised bonuses. This can warm your customers to your company and can only please them. It also demonstrates that you do not need to publicize your bonuses because you believe in your product so much that it will sell on its own merit.

I suggested you to get Chargeback Ebook - The Official Global Chargeback Guide to further safeguard against refunds and expensive chargeback costs. Improve your chances of winning that next chargeback from the leaders in chargeback protection. For only $19.95, merchants are able to download this Chargeback tutorial which will guide them in the fight against all types of credit card fraud and help them win any future chargebacks. You will discover that consumers bank decides the outcome of the chargeback, not your Merchant Service Provider, not your bank and not you. The customer may or may not have contacted the merchant about remedying this situation ahead of time. They may even be completely wrong. However, responsibility falls to the seller to ensure that the transaction goes smoothly and the customer is satisfied. A failure somewhere within the fulfillment process, including at the customer service level, can lead to a chargeback. Always respond to a chargeback as quickly as possible. A limited amount of time is available to resolve a chargeback. If you miss the window of opportunity to respond, you forfeit your ability to fight the chargeback. If your processing bank has any more questions or requests, your quick response will ensure that they have enough time to get the relevant information from you.

Ten Ways to Piss Off You Readers, Kill Your Blog, and Get Banned From the Internet!

Everywhere I look there is blogging advice on how to increase your traffic, pagerank, and readership on the net. There’s syndication, RSS feeds, and any type of social topic you would ever need. However, nobody tells you how to stop the traffic, alienate your fan base; so I thought I should try.

1. Active in blogging? Why not put as many popups on your page as humanly possible? Make it as difficult as possible for a reader to navigate away from your page and ensure that he will never come back! If you are not comfortable with popups, AdSense ads after every post and every type of widget that you can find will do the trick.

2. Too many comments? Turn them off, don’t respond when they are posted, and return fire with fire. People like to feel engaged when they read your content. Don’t let ‘em!

3. Got an RSS feed? Get rid of it, or better yet, find a blog that you absolutely hate and offer it as the feed through your site. It all looks like XML code until you plug it into a reader anyway. Your readers won’t know what hit them.

4. You have a bookmarking widget; Digg,, News Vine, Reddit? Aren’t there equivalent bookmarking tools for adult sites? Couldn’t you use the same graphic and just replace the hyperlink? Hmmm, if you want to get some hate mail, this may be the way to do it. When responding to the hate mail, please refer to item 2 above.

5. Member of MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, Xanga, LinkedIn, MyBloglog and other networks that syndicate your content? This one’s easy, don’t complete your profile, syndicate content that is not yours, be un-genuine, and do not respond to comments. We keep going back to step 2 for some reason.

6. Overload your readers with useless bookmarks. Stop writing content and go hog wild with your Sumble Upon and bookmarking Wordpress widgets. Nobody likes going to a blog that has nothing other than a collection of non-related bookmarks. No content, just bookmarks; nothing slows down traffic like a great link farm.

7. DUMP THE TAGS!!!! Nobody will read your blog if nobody can find it. If you have a search term that inadvertently shows up under a Google search, repeat it in the text as many times as possible. A black-hat trick or two will also work to get you banned from Google.

8. All text and no pictures makes for a very boring and unpleasant blog. Pictures are worth a thousand words, and people love to look at and share video. Why do you think YouTube sold for a billion dollars? If you don’t want traffic, do not use flickr, youtube, or other multi-media sharing service.

9. Whatever you do, do not reference blog posts that you had writer earlier. This would entice readers to go further into your blog and spend more time there. Why would you want that?

10. This one I had to think long and hard about. How do you get blacklisted from as many sites as possible, kicked off search engines and banned from the internet? One word….SPAM!!!

TAGS: spam, banned, rss, ugly, kicked off, no readers, bad blog, bookmark widgets, digg, anti-comments, popups, tricks, reference, readers, ugly blog, mybloglog, wordpress, blogger, stumble upon

What’s Best: Blogging Traffic Or SEO Traffic Generation?

I’ve heard it said, and even seen it written, that blogging is better than SEO for getting traffic. Are blogging traffic or SEO traffic generation techniques better for you, or does it not really matter?

Actually, a lot depends on you and which you like best: blogs or traditional websites, and also what you want the traffic for. I also wonder why the distinction is being made, since anybody serious about internet marketing and getting plenty of traffic, will use both. There is really no need to choose one or the other. However, when I hear such arguments I get the feeling that it is more academic than which provides the more traffic. Feelings, however can be wrong, so it is worth discussion.

When you think about it, the type of traffic you get from a blog could very well have different needs and interests to those that reached your site after carrying a search on Google or Yahoo using specific keywords. OK, you can get to blogs from search engines also, and through the use of keywords, but if you are looking to buy something you wouldn’t normally log onto a blog, would you?

Let’s say you wanted the best price for a gross of Titleist golf balls, you wouldn’t visit a blog site. Similarly if wanted to discuss their benefits, you would go to a blog or a forum. Sometimes it gets difficult to tell the difference these days, since blogs are becoming increasingly more interactive, but you get my general drift. I hope!

With a blog you can advertise whatever you want to, and the same is true of a website. However, you are more likely to make a direct purchase from a website, and to seek information from a blog. Hence, the traffic you get on a blog are information seekers and those on your website may also be looking for info, but might also be wanting to make a purchase. So right away we can kind of separate blog readers from website visitors.

It’s not a well defined separation, but bloggers tend not to be looking for something different to what a search engine user is looking for. If you have a blog on your website, your blog page will be likely to attract prospects that will tend to be more regular visitors than those that are checking out your website. If the latter don’t respond to your opt-in form, you will be unlikely to see them again, but a visitor to your blog page might return frequently.

However, to return to the question: what is better, blog traffic or SEO traffic, as long as each is free it doesn’t really matter I would have thought. I suppose that it could be argued that the SEO traffic is more focussed because they have used your specific keywords to get to the page they landed on ,and blog traffic could come from ezines and other sources that are perhaps not specific to any product you are selling. Me, I would accept any traffic no matter where it came from, and quite frankly once the traffic gets to your webpage it is up to you to convert it to sales.

The difference between the two is that if you don’t make an immediate impact with the SEO visitors, you could be struggling to keep them returning to your website, but you are likely to have more time with the bloggers, since they tend to keep coming back to the blog. The SEO visitors might register with your opt-in page, but that only allows you to keep in contact with them, and you still have to try to induce them to return to your website.

On the other hand, the blog readers need no such inducement, since they visit your site each time you publish a new posting. That is assuming that your blog is on your own website, and not on the blog server as many (perhaps most) are.

Perhaps I am completely on the wrong track, but I will keep tabs on it and report on my website what my findings are regarding blog traffic and SEO traffic, and whether or not one tends to buy more that the other. It is useful to know, since for a website that is designed to sell products it can determine whether or not it is worth having a blog on your site or keep trying to improve your SEO.

That is a big decision to make, and if it could make the difference between success and failure then it should be determines mathematically and scientifically rather than by conjecture and opinion. It is scientific testing that frequently makes the difference between those that are successful in internet marketing and those that fail.

So, is blogging traffic or SEO traffic generation the best? Who knows? I hope to know shortly though, and I will share it with you on my site when I finish my testing.

Connecting Blogging And Marketing

Everyone into the Internet business today that includes blogging and article content management are sure to know that search engine optimization (SEO) is one part for consideration when it comes to composing and using keywords proficiently. While some have been doing the necessary research surrounding SEO, others have simplified it too much that it is not really categorized under this area.

Keyword repetition is useless unless they are constructed in a way in posts to make sense. The best thing to generalize all of these is “How can you expect people to rely on your work if they do not understand what they are reading?” Such is a practice that is still being done at present. People think that the more times a keyword is used in an entry, the better it is for them.

For programs and scripts, it may be possible. But the human factor will always be the varying aspect that will make the difference. Reader count and site visits are important as well. Putting value in your blog or content is still important and this can never be taken for granted.

So the next time you make a blog or article, be wiser. Quality is still the unforeseen factor in most of your work. Do not degrade yourself for the sake of ongoing SEO trends. Just understand the whole methodology and you can find yourself on course towards efficient blogging and content management with SEO as your reward.

The gift of blogging to the masses of people who patronize the Internet is the ability of being to voice out accomplishments, frustrations and unique ideas coming from experience and personal beliefs. All people in the world will always have something to share that will be of interest. It all depends on how they put it into writing and good composition for others to read.

Blogging is not really too technical to learn and do. All it needs is the gathering of ideas and compose it in a way to which people can understand the obvious gist that people are trying to bring across. It all boils down to the quality content contained in blogs. This is something that can either be informative or used as daily thought to which is important for people to rely on.

Blogging should not be limited to what people want to read today. Many have used blogging as a form of marketing tool to help spread the word on particular words and topics. While this practice is a breakthrough for business minded individuals, they should also take into account that the entry should make sense. This is the best way to create blog entries considering that content is still the main point for their compositions.

Depending on the purpose, blogging should be left with a free-hand when composing them. The essence and the meaningful substance of such blogs can only be brought out if a person or a blogger would have no restrictions present in being able to put into writing the wandering ideas on his mind. A lot of people would be surprised at such entries, unique and providing deeper meaning if they are allowed to blog as they wish.

Blogging For Website Traffic

Nowadays, it seems that everyone and his cousin have taken to blogging. This form of online self-expression has slowly but steadily taken over the World Wide Web to become somewhat of a phenomenon in recent years. Some people use blogs as their personal journals, some may see them as an outlet for their creative work, and others may just want their own personal place in cyberspace to share thoughts and ideas.

Now, a quick question for the Internet businessman. If you have a blog, can you use it to boost your site's exposure and drive more traffic to it? A blog is great for sharing ideas and posting about things you like or don't like, but can a blog help your online business succeed?

The answer is a definite YES. Your blog can do wonders for your website, but it all depends on the way you utilize its potential power. I'm going to teach you a tried and proven method that has been effective for other website owners, and this method is applicable for any type of blog. You will just need a lot of creativity and some time to make it work.

First thing you have to keep in mind is that most blogs on the Web have a community feel to them. You may think that your blog is your own, since you're the one who installed and developed it. And you may be right. But your blog is also connected to other blogs on the same site. You may also be connected to other blogs that are using the same blogging software as you. This situation guarantees that sooner or later, a person will land on your blog and be able to see all that you have to say. This can also mean that your blog is now getting free advertising within the blogging community. I don't think you need me to tell you how beneficial this can be for your site's traffic.

However, you do have to keep in mind what you're posting as your blog's content. If all you're doing is making posts that promote your products or your business, then you're dead. Believe me, that is not the recommended way to use your blog. Have you seen the Internet lately? It's already overflowing with loads of advertisements for products and services. Be different. Your visitors need a good reason to keep coming back to your blog. Use it to give expert and knowledgeable information about your line of work to your readers. If you're selling a product on your site, talk about it on your blog, and don't just post a measly advertising blurb.

Let's say you're selling power tools on your website. You can write reviews and other useful posts about the kinds of tools you have on your site. What you're doing is providing some insight for your potential customers about the tools you're selling. These blog posts will then be able to generate confidence in your readers and encourage them to actually buy the products.

Another advantage of having a blog is that it makes it easier for interested buyers to get access to the seller (that's you). Usually, readers of a particular blog post are allowed to leave comments on what they've just read. For example, you've just finished a review for the new Ajax power drill. Whenever a reader comes across it and has a question regarding that product, he or she can easily leave a comment. You can then see the questions and post your answers. See? You can now connect with your readers and potential customers personally. This make you much more approachable, as compared to the faceless entity behind the impersonal commercial website.

In addition, your readers will also have the option of subscribing to your blog feeds via RSS or to your newsletters, so they can be immediately notified about any new posts you make. If you have established a reputable standing in your niche, a long list of eager readers will soon be waiting for your next post, and lots more will be coming to your website.

Cashing in by Blogging

Believe it or not, but it’s actually possible to make money from blogging. One teenager has, in fact, earned $5,000 a month just from making posts on his blog! Of course, not every blogger is this lucky. It does take some skill, and some luck to make money from blogging. What it also takes is some knowledge of how exactly to generate income just by posting blogs. In this newsletter, we will go over three specific methods of making money on your blog: Adsense, Pay Per Lead, and Affiliate Links.

So how exactly do I make money on my blog?

You do it by working with another company that wants to use your blog as a form of advertising. It sounds like selling out, right? Not exactly. The advertising can be as in your face or subtle as you want. And it can still make you money, provided you have enough visitors to your blog.

What is Adsense?

Adsense is a program offered by Google. The program, if installed, will display ads provided by Google.

How do I get Adsense?

You’ll need to go to, first. At the bottom of the screen is a link for “Advertising Programs”. Click on that. Then click on the link for “Adsense”. Scroll down on the page that comes up and click “Click Here To Apply!” You then fill out the form with information about yourself. After 12-48 hours, Google will notify you via email whether or not your site has been accepted. When you’ve been accepted, set up your ads by doing either of the following:

1. If your blog is hosted on, you can set up your AdSense ads by going to your profile, selecting settings>template>add an element. Then select AdSense and login with your account info. Next, you’ll configure your ads and save the template. That’s it.

2. If you are self-hosting your blog, you’ll have to set up AdSense in more of a manual way. You’ll create your ads(which can be as small or as tall as you want) and then copy the HTML/Javascript code Google gives you. Then you’ll paste it into your blog(on the left, right, or top of the screen).

For the first few days, the ads displayed by Google will be Public Service Announcements. After the ads have been up a few days, though, the ads will switch to ads that are relevant to your blog.

How does Adsense work?

Every time a visitor clicks an Adsense ad, you get a little bit of money(usually around 30-60 cents). The amount you get for each ad clicked depends on the number of unique visitors you receive on your blog. The more visitors, the more money that can be earned.

Google will then send a check or pay you through Paypal once you’ve made at least $100 from the ads.

It is important to remember that Google will penalize you if you click your own ads, or if you ask visitors specifically to click ads. So don’t do that!

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click is basically just like AdSense, except you don’t just work with Google—you work with multiple companies. BidVertiser is one such company you can sign up with to do Pay Per Click advertising.

How do I get Pay Per Click

You sign up with a site like Bidvertiser and then follow their instructions to set up the Pay Per Click ads on your site.

How does Pay Per Click work?

It works by paying you money each time someone clicks an ad that you display. You won’t get paid for multiple clicks from the same user in the same visitor, nor will you get paid for someone simply visiting your site. You only get paid for legitimate clicks.

Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are basically links which people pay you for. Companies will actually pay owners of popular blogs to post links on their blog. You can do as much Affiliate linking as you want.

How do I get Affiliate Links?

You can get Affiliate links by searching for “Affiliate Link Programs” on the internet. Once you find an Affiliate link program that looks good to you, sign up for it. Then you can follow their instructions for putting the link(s) on your blog.

How do Affiliate Links work?

Like the other two methods mentioned above, Affiliate links work by paying you money each time they are clicked. You get paid for each click per unique visitor.

So that’s it. There’s three legitimate ways to make money from blogging. It is important to keep in mind that the amount of money you are able to make depends on how many visitors your blog draws. If you draw a lot, you’ll make a lot. If not, the money you earn will be modest. But it’s still extra money, so why not do it?

Making money using Adsense, Pay Per Click or Affiliate Link programs is easy and effective. Start monetizing your blog today!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Free Report of the week: The Internet Marketing Cure

This week free report is "The Internet Marketing Cure". It was written by this guy who is well known for publishing highly controversial reports on internet marketing.

He talks about all kinds of crazy stuff from ebola viruses, to gold rush miners, to a new breed of "silent assasin" he calls "DuRus".

He also gives some of the best advice I've ever read on gaining true focus and clarity, and talks about a no-nonsense plan for taking any business to the same income levels as the "real" big boys are doing.

Go grab your copy now...not sure how long it will be available.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Apply For Best Credit

You probably already know what a credit card is. You see the ads every day - in the television, on the radio, in the newspapers or on billboard advertisements.

Credit cards can be used as a tool, offering many benefits for consumers. Some of these benefits include:

Convenience: With a credit card, you can buy anything you want right away, whether or not you have the cash available at the time. If you’re purchasing a big ticket item like a computer or a washing machine, you don’t have to wait for months until you save up the money.

Emergency Protection: If you’re ever in an emergency, you’ll see how helpful a credit card can be. Whether you’re stuck with medical bills or auto repair fees, using a credit card can help you get back on your feet again.

Security: Large amounts of cash can be lost or stolen. But if your credit card goes missing, you can have the account cancelled and a new card issued without losing any of your money.

Building Your Credit: If you dream of buying a house or really nice car, you need to have a credit history that demonstrates you can take on debt and pay it back on schedule. You can use a credit card to make small purchases and build up your credit score by paying your statement on time.

Choosing the right credit card is a decision that’s more important and difficult to make than most people think.

To make the most of applying online, it is recommended that you take the following thoughts into consideration before applying:

1.) Decide what type of credit card you are looking for. Not all credit cards are the same today. There are reward credit cards, blink-enabled credit cards, business credit cards, retail cards, and prepaid credit cards, to name a few.

2.) Decide how you will use a credit card. Are you a frequent purchaser? If so, then look at reward-based credit cards. Are you planning on paying in full every month? If so, look for a credit card that has no annual fee.

3.) Do you travel a lot? There are many cards available that provide distinctive services – free of charge. Among other things, they include lost luggage coverage and auto rental insurance. Something to consider when choosing a card.

4.) Are you aware of your credit score? If you know that you have a fairly low credit score, then you can find comfort knowing that there are many solid secured credit cards available to help rebuild your credit.

5.) If you are a student, your best bet would typically apply online for a student credit card. These cards are specifically designed to look pass a typical student’s limited credit history while providing useful perks that could meet their collegiate needs.

At, you can have everything you want about credit cards. They offer the best credit cards online.
They are credit card provider that has a comprehensive service and teaches you everything you need to know about the credit card as well as the other credit cards out there. There are terms such as bad credit, rebate, rewards, APR, cash back cards, credit business cards and more.
Specialists of Help Center will give tips on any question concerning credit cards.

Go ahead and apply for best credit, but before that you might want to get your credit score first before applying credit card.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Get $1.00 per referral, $0.50 on 2nd tier

I just heard of this new product XFactor Affiliate coming out from Andrew Fox a few minutes ago, and when I saw that it pays you $1.00 for every lead and $0.50 per lead on the second tier, I knew that it was time to take immediate and massive action. Go check it out..

In 3 weeks time when the "Affiliate X Factor" Coaching program launches you earn 50% recurring commissions paid via Clickbank.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Bumblebee's Weekly Money Update 2008 #1

Each week I will update here the amount of money I make weekly.

Here are the programs that have paid me so far this year:

PayPerPost: $30.00

SponsoredReviews: $6.50

Page Peel Script: $48.00


Here is what I have pending:

PayPerPost: $30.00


I will join more get paid program and update here.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bumblebee Loves - Easy To Make Money

Bumblee joined as blogger and got approve for this blog on Jan 14th:

And GOT PAID TODAY! they just sent me money to my paypal. cool:

Not much but not bad for a zero rank blog:) Hope to get a high rank so more opportunities come.

I really enjoy going into this get paid to blog site because you get to bid for your reviews. Advertisers set a price range and bloggers get to send offers for their services to the advertisers. After sending the offers, the advertisers could also send a counter offer and it is now up to the publisher if he/she still wants to do the review.

Payment are sent a couple of weeks after the approval of the post.

Join SponsoredReviews free, and make money easily! sounds like scam? no! I make money with them remember?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Beginner Blog Marketing

Blogs which are also known as web logs are the new thing on the internet. They are pretty much a platform that you can use that will allow you to post your thoughts on most any subject that you want to. They can be used for journaling, promoting, writing, and publishing, anything that your heart desires. However, if you are a beginner and new blogging as well as marketing, there are some very important things that you will want to know.

Blog marketing is pretty easy if you have a marketing mind. You are going to find that many people use blogs as a diary, and many times these blogs that are used for this purpose are not intended to make them money, but simply a way to put there thoughts out there and find others that are going through the same thing. If you have never even had a blog before, the simplest thing that you can do is to start one, and just journal in it for a while. This will allow you to learn just what it takes and what it is all about to keep up a blog. When you are just journaling your thoughts and what is on your mind, you have nothing to lose and nothing to gain. You don’t even have to make your blog public if you don’t want others to read what you have to say. That is a personal preference. However, doing this will let you see how it works. Then you can move on to trying to market a product or a service.

Using a blog to market something is cheaper than using a website. This is because there are so many free ones out there that you can use to get the word out, and they are really just as good as having a website that you pay for. There are of course some advantages to having your own URL, but for a beginner, a free one will work until you get the hang of it and want to move it all over onto your own server. The free blogs are just not that customizable. If you are not familiar with HTML, you are going to find that your blog will look like everyone else’s. But, that is ok in the beginning. You can always make changes later on once you are becoming successful.

When you have your own blog, you are in charge of the content that is posted on it. You can decide what is said, and what is not. You are after all writing it all, right? So, the sky is the limit. Whether you want a blog that does website reviews and takes nominations, or you want to sell things that you make out of your home, the choice is yours. Using a blog to get the word out about whatever you want too is a great way to market and promote something.

Blog marketing can get complicated if you let it. It is really only as hard as you make it. While there are some bloggers out there that are making a six figure income with the use of blog marketing, we all know that it can be done. We just want to know how. Well, for any beginner, start small, and be consistent. The six figure bloggers all did. They started with one, built it up, and then added another blog, built it up. Then, keeping up both blogs and not letting them fall behind, they continued to add more and more. Of course they had help, and they outsourced a lot of their work. If you are looking to make a massive income with blogging, you will need some help.

Blog marketing is a great thing to learn. If you can sell things from a blog, you can sell them anywhere. Making money by using a blog is one of the most satisfying things that you will ever learn how to do. Just do not expect to make money over night, know that you have to work at it consistently everyday, and remember to put into it what you want to get out of it.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Blogging for Fun

Although blogging can be used for a variety of other purposes such as generating income, promoting a cause and providing information there are many bloggers who enjoy blogging simply because it is fun. These bloggers enjoy blogging for reasons such as staying in touch with friends, expressing themselves or keeping a record of important events. This article will explain how blogs can be used for these purposes.

Blogging to Stay in Touch with Friends

Staying in touch with friends and family members is just one of the many reasons a person may wish to start a blog. This is especially useful for those who move far away from their friends and family members. Staying in touch by phone, regular visits and even email is not always easy. This is because it can be difficult to keep up long distance interactions with several different people at once. However, by maintaining a blog, a person can greatly simplify the process of staying in touch with friends and family members because they do not have to repeat information in individual phone calls or emails or make time to visit several different people.

When maintaining a blog, the individual can choose to post a variety of information and photos. Through this information and photos the blog owner can keep others informed about current events in his life. Friends and family members can view the blog at their convenience to catch up on important events in the blog owner’s life and in most cases can post comments to the blog owner. They can also read comments from others. This is beneficial if those viewing the blog know each other because they can not only stay in touch with the blog owner but also have a chance to communicate with other friends and family members through the comments section of the blog.

Blogging as a Form of Expression

Some bloggers begin blogging as a form of expression. They may right poetry, songs, short stories or even use the blog to vent about personal events or politics. These bloggers may wish to keep their blog private or can make the blog available to the public. Keeping the blog private is sort of like keeping a diary or a journal. It gives the blogger a multi-media form of expressing himself without the risk of others discovering his true feelings, innermost dreams or frustrations. Other bloggers opt to make these blogs public. This may be for a number of different reasons. Sharing these feelings with others allows the blogger to reach others who may have the same interest as the blogger.

Bloggers who use their blog as a form of personal expression may want to be cautious and consider the decision to make a blog public. This is important because the blog owner may initially not see problems with allowing others to view his personal thoughts. However, over time he may realize his blog could either be offensive to others or could result in problems if friends or family members view the blog.

Blogging to Keep a Record of Events

Another common reason for blogging is to keep a record of important events. Examples of some types of events which a blogger may wish to document include a pregnancy, weddings, vacations, sporting events or completion of school events. Using blogs to keep a record of these events gives the blogger an opportunity to record daily events in one simple location where they can easily look back on the blog or share the postings with others who might be interested in the events. In these cases the blog can serve as a form of scrapbook documenting the events as they occur. The blog owner can post as often as he desires and may choose to include elements such as photos, music, audio files and video files into the blog. The blog can also be designed to suit the events being documented. For example a journal depicting a vacation may have backgrounds, fonts and colors representing the vacation location while a pregnancy blog may feature elements which represent pregnancy, babies and being parents.

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How to Save Money on a Vacation and Still Enjoy It Bumblebee

Away from the hustle and bustle of life, vacations eventually soothe the tired soul. However, after a week or so of relaxation and fun on the beach, you don't want to come home to a gigantic vacation bill staring at you from your mailbox.

It's actually possible to be able to plan and execute a vacation without having to spend too much money? Aren't vacations supposed to be expensive? The answer to first question is yes and the answer to the second question is no.

It truly is possible to enjoy your vacation without having to mortgage your home. However, it takes a lot of thought and a few pointers to be able to do so. Here are some of them to help you on your way.

1. Plan ahead. The only way to truly avoid spending too much on a vacation is to plan ahead. Remember most of the expenses you incur during your travel come from convenience items that could have been avoided if you had prepared for the vacation properly

For example, if you are able to prepare for your food and lodging beforehand, you stand to save a lot especially when you consider that late reservations for lodging usually costs more than ones done in advance.

And being able to scout where to eat could be the difference between spending $100 per meal and spending $20 per meal for basically the same dining experience.

2. Beware of the season. Vacation rates depend on the season. There are off-peak seasons and peak seasons. It is better to schedule your vacation somewhere just outside the peak season. This is because during peak seasons, prices skyrocket beyond sanity, and with too many people on your vacation spot, you might find yourself wishing you had stayed at home instead for some peace and relaxation.

Off-peak prices are definitely lower than peak prices. You may want to get a good travel agent to find you the best deals around. There are also online travel services that help you find the lowest prices for the widest array a vacation options.

3. Go in bulk. If you have other friends and family that want to go on vacation to, you may want to consider having a group vacation. Group vacations warrant group rates, and group rates tend to be lower than individual rates.

Talk to your agent to find the best deals on group vacations. They are surely able to accommodate you on this regard.